Sunday, April 21, 2013


On this HOLY DAY, why not spend 3 Minutes to Change the World 3 Times?

APRIL 21, 2013, we who PRAY IN THE NAME OF JESUS must desire no other thing than HOLINESS!
Nor is there anything equal to or greater!

LORD YOU are HOLY in nature, in character, in WORD and in PURPOSE.
Please Make me like YOU.

LORD YOU ARE HOLY in the Sanctuary, in the market place and in the presence of those who despise and reject YOU.
LORD, please make me like YOU.

IMPART to me the HOLINESS that will sustain me through deserts of desperation.

Let there flow from me streams of Holiness as I walk through the cities and the nations.

LORD TODAY Fill my heart and my mouth with the LOVE and WISDOM born of HOLINESS.

GLORIOUS MAJESTY send fires of HOLINESS to ignite the path assigned to me.

And let me drink from wells of HOLINESS whenever I commune with you.

HEAR MY PRAYER O GOD, In the Name of JESUS and PLEASE answer me speedily.

~Reverend Cecelia Williams Bryant~

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