Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prayer for Today

GOD in heaven, in the most powerful name of JESUS, we bind every oppressive power in the world, that subjugates and enslaves women, depriving them of their basic rights, in joint families, nuclear families, churches, open and closed societies, work places, everywhere. We pray in faith for such powers to become inactive, null and void. We pray for the kingdom values of freedom, love and respect to be established. We pray for the SPIRIT that led women like Sarah, Deborah, Ruth, Esther, Abigail, Mary, Phebe, Dorcas, Eunice, Joanna, Lydia and many others like them, to rest and abide with all women who stand for truth and commit themselves to prayer, all over the world, to be inspired, in order to move out of their comfort zones, to  help their sisters who are in need, across the globe.  May your kingdom be established and your will be done here on earth in bringing freedom and liberation to women who are under bondage. AMEN 
~Presiding Elder Sarah Pedinney of Chennai, India~ 

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