Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Need Thee

One's need for GOD may not be a matter so much of one's most devastating, trial, loss, tragedy or infirmity.
Perhaps it is more so in the day to day trying to make sense of the common, ordinary, predictable issues, experiences and relationships.

"I need THEE O I need THEE.
Every hour I NEED THEE.
O Bless me Now my SAVIOR.
I come to THEE."

LORD I need YOU, when all around me has grown quiet and still.
I need YOU, when familiar foes begin to actively stir up strife. (Again)
I need YOU, when I can't summon the motivation or the energy to launch into "problem solving" mode.

So I will BE STILL until YOU move through me.
I will keep SILENT until YOU speak through me.
I am YOURS to do with as YOU will.

YOU are my reality.
And I offer YOU:
Radical surrender.
Passionate obedience.
And FAITH unbound.

In the NAME of JESUS.

~Reverend Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant~

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