Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

"Let not your heart be troubled.
BELIEVE also in me."

LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON of GOD reign Forever.
We pause today to CELEBRATE the dead who died in the LORD.

We thank YOU that they shall never be as others are!
For YOU have given them ETERNITY in YOUR PRESENCE.
YOU have given them FREEDOM from sin, death and the grave.
YOU have given them a home in HEAVEN.

LORD today, fill our minds with beautiful memories.
Enlarge our hearts to celebrate YOUR will for their lives.
Teach us to know the SACRED BEAUTY of this life and the next.
Conquer our fears and misgivings over "unfinished" issues.
And grant us closure in YOUR NAME, JESUS.

THANK YOU for Calvary.
THANK YOU for the empty tomb.
THANK YOU for YOUR soon coming again.

"All hail the power of JESUS' name.
Let Angels prostrate fall.
Bring forth the Royal Diadem and CROWN HIM LORD of ALL."


~Reverend Cecelia Williams Bryant~

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