Friday, October 25, 2013

Whom Then Shall I Fear?

"The LORD is my LIGHT and my Salvation.
Whom then shall I FEAR?"

My LORD and My GOD,
YOU have kept me through turmoil and tragedy.
YOU have protected me in my battles with infirmity.
YOU have stood up in me when the wicked plotted against me.

As I pause to say, "THANK YOU!",
GOD I am praying for those who live in fear:
FEAR of death,
FEAR of poverty,
FEAR of rejection,
FEAR of failure,
FEAR of success,
FEAR OF a family member,
FEAR FOR a family member,
FEAR of sickness,
FEAR of being alone.

LORD as I PRAY for each one,
Please send the HOLY GHOST to affirm, comfort and encourage them.

Help each one to experience the unsurpassed greatness of YOUR LOVE.

GOD, by YOUR LIVING WORD, cause an irreversible BREAKTHROUGH for each one.

I am PRAYING in YOUR BOUNTEOUS MERCY that each will live the rest of their days and nights FREE of FEAR.

~Reverend Cecelia Williams Bryant~ 

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